About GosDebbie


The company formation was born out of the desire to conscientize Africans to embrace their culture and heritage through our unique African products. This desire was firmed up, in my undergraduate program in Political Science. I read African History and understood the deep division that slavery had on Africa and its descendants. Speaking to fellow Africans reinforced this belief. It became increasingly clear the need to address some of these divisions. Africa’s fashion taste and choices became for me, the rallying cry for unity and the reason l started the company.

 Africans in the diaspora are conscious of this fact. They want to imbibe this value for themselves and their children.  “All black lives matter” mantra has further shed some light in this determination to forge an identity- cultural, sociological or what have you. African- Americans, Caribbean’s all tend to be my main clients. Caucasians who want to adapt and share in our plight and struggle are increasingly adapting, if not in the fashion but in the knowledge. This is evident in the questions they ask by my Booths, during organized sales organize.

 Our products are characterized in showcasing our history and heritage. The Cowrie Bracelets for instance reminds us of Africa’s banking system prior to the arrival of the European salesmen and missionaries into Africa. The barter trade System was our way of life. Cowries or Shells became a medium of exchange. Today they are used to adorn our bracelets, waist beads and hairstyles etc.  By sharing the story and explaining the history, it resonates with the old and certainly educate the youth. In the words of Marcus Garvey, “a people without knowledge of their history. Origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” No one and certainly no African want to be a tree without her roots. Our client’s buy our products to nurture these roots.

We are different from our competitors because of our unique trait. Our products are sourced across the African landscape; from Ghana and Nigeria in west Africa. CAR in central Africa. Zimbabwe in South Africa and Malawi in East Africa. These represent a perfect blend. Originality is sorted and originality is given. We had a client that struggled with self-identity crisis. A history lesson and an adaptation to my hand bracelet made him walk away a fulfilled man. Today he prides himself as a descendant of the Ashanti people, historically known for their bravery and vigor.

You can buy our products at various social media platforms such as Instagram – Gosdebbie Inc, Facebook marketplace, Etsy, Kijiji. My website is currently undergoing a facelift - 
We feature in community events such as the Brampton fair Craft Shows and other local community events. Get in touch with me via Instagram or call 514 594 5445 It will be a treat to share my experiences with you and sell you a product or two to embrace our values and  stir our narratives